Ted Video on the History of the Vampire Mythos

I tend to see most horror movie monsters as metaphors. Frankenstein’s monster is obviously a metaphor, it was intended as such. The Zombie apocalypse is, to me, just a metaphor for modern life. Want to see what I mean, take some friends and go into the core of a major city during rush hour. Werewolves…

Preview of the BBC’s New Zombie Series “In the Flesh”

Can zombies be rehabilitated? That seems to be the question of the BBCs take on the zombie apocalypse ( assuming that they manage to get it on the air ahead of the actual zombie apocalypse ). IMDB says: “Four years after the Rising, the government starts to rehabilitate the Undead back into the society including…

Preview of the BBC’s New Zombie Series “In the Flesh”

Can zombies be rehabilitated? That seems to be the question of the BBCs take on the zombie apocalypse ( assuming that they manage to get it on the air ahead of the actual zombie apocalypse ). IMDB says: “Four years after the Rising, the government starts to rehabilitate the Undead back into the society including…

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse (plus New Walking Dead Teaser)

Today io9 posted their regular letter’s feature Postal Apocalypse. One of the questions that was sent in to them was “can zombie’s get drunk?” The answer of course is ‘who cares, it doesn’t matter, have you seen them walk normally?’ However, it did remind me of a much more important question: Can zombie’s swim? The…

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse (plus New Walking Dead Teaser)

Today io9 posted their regular letter’s feature Postal Apocalypse. One of the questions that was sent in to them was “can zombie’s get drunk?” The answer of course is ‘who cares, it doesn’t matter, have you seen them walk normally?’ However, it did remind me of a much more important question: Can zombie’s swim? The…