Category: history

  • Pride & Prejudice: Angry white voter edition

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via / CC BY-SA Today on Twitter, Juliana Pache said “White people think pro-blackness is anti-white because pro-whiteness is rooted in racism & is synonymous with white supremacy & violence.” White people think pro-blackness is anti-white because pro-whiteness is rooted in racism & is synonymous with white supremacy & violence. —…

  • The 100 Most Iconic Shots of All Time

      This quick, 5 minute, video from CineFix crams together a ton of great cinema. It also establishes the value of the defining shot. These shots, many of which are only a few seconds long, don’t tell the story of the films they are from. However, for people who have seen the film, they define what…

  • A single video with all 135 Space Shuttle launches

    Sure, the stuff NASA is working on now is cooler but from 1981 until 2011 the Space Shuttle was the whole show. Over the course of 30 years NASA sent more than 350 people up on 135 shuttle missions. If you’re feeling a bit nostalgic or you’re tired of waiting for NASA’s next generation spacecraft YouTuber…

  • Newcastle ad looks at what would have happened if the Brits won the American Revolution

    As a US/Canadian dual citizen I have experienced the 4th of July from both sides of the border. Americans definitely love to celebrate it – fireworks, beer, BBQ and mass gatherings. They also love to celebrate the ‘founding fathers’ but when it comes to ‘Independence Day’ the other parties involved seem to put more thought…

  • Watch George Takei discuss his amazing life in his “It Got Better” video

    If you have somehow missed the It Gets Better project it is a series designed to “communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better for them.” For George Takei things got much better on several fronts….

  • Yes, the Redskins are a racist organization to the core

    Recently, the Washington Redskins lost their trademark protection because of the racist nature of their logo and name. Many fans of the football team were shocked and outraged, but I don’t know why. Sports teams should not be allowed to have openly racist names (or sexist or homophobic names for that matter). “Braves” and “Indians”…

  • The Velvet Underground, live and in color in 1967 – shot by Andy Worhol

    This video isn’t great. The picture quality is off and there are some sound problems but in 1967 very few people thought to get video footage of the Velvet Underground, much less in color. They were a band that would strongly influence future generations of musicians and that would achieve a tremendous amount of success…

  • Annotated Star Wars blends the scenes with their influences (Video)

    Last week a CineFix Video provided a little film history to show how Star Wars got its creative start in Japan in 1910. Now, this video from Michael Heilemann, an interface director at Squarespace, goes above and beyond, mashing up scenes from Star Wars with the films that inspired them. According to FirstShowing, Heilman is…

  • CineFix explains the origin of Star Wars starting in 1910 Japan

    What do silent films in Japan, World War II, Westerns, America’s move the suburbs, the end of the film studio monopolies, an auto racing accident and Samurai have to do with Star Wars? If you don’t know – watch this history lesson from CineFix. (All of this without even getting into Joseph Campbell’s work on…

  • Video shows 2,000 years of London’s evolution in 7 minutes

    This video from the The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis pulls information from thousands of sources to trace the evolution of London from the Roman port city of Londinium (circa 50 AD) to the modern day.  “The London Evolution Animation” was created for the “Almost Lost” Exhibition in London.