Truth: Microsoft Does Not Innovate

Microsoft has pretty much built itself on ‘borrowing’ other people’s ideas, and then when possible patenting them and gaining a monopoly. Here are few small examples but the internet is rife with examples, just Google it. Perahaps nothing more is needed to understand Mircosoft than their new ad campaign. Microsoft Oscar Nominated Short by Josh…

Truth: Cosmetics Will Not Get You Laid

The most frequent type of misleading advertising has to be the type that tries to convince you that using their product will increase your sex appeal or improve your love life. There is almost no evidence at all to suggest that any product – cars, clothes, cosmetics, soft drinks, etc., etc., actually make you more…

Truth: Athletes and Soft Drinks

The first installment in the Truth series is so obvious it almost goes without saying but since it continues I’ll mention it anyway. High level professional athletes do not drink pop or eat fast food on a regular basis. This ad is particularly cute because it is, to an extent, downplay itself: The reality is…

Truth!!! Maybe, sorta, kinda

Many of you have no doubt seen the new ads being run by Advertising Standards Canada trying to get you to trust your local advertiser. The video ads look something like this (sorry it’s not embeddable). A full list of the ads they are running on television, radio and in print can be found at…