Fox station in Oklahoma “accidentally” cuts human evolution from Cosmos premiere

A poll on the New York Daily News website says that absolutely no one believes that it was an ‘accident’ but that is what Oklahoma’s Fox 25 is claiming. The station says that “operator error” is responsible for human evolution being absent from the premiere of Cosmos last Sunday night. As you will see on…

Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Top 10 Reason’s To Love Science

Celebrity astrophysicist and host of the upcoming Cosmos reboot Neil DeGrasse Tyson presents a top 10 reasons to love science list for Geek Week. While there is some awesome stuff on the list he doesn’t even mention things like 3D printing, artificial intelligence, NASA’s attempts to create a warp drive, the potential for medical science…

First Trailer for Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos Reboot

According to cNet the return of Cosmos, formerly hosted by Carl Sagan began at a lunch meeting between famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane. It was there that Tyson first suggested a reboot to McFarlane (now an executive producer on the series) who then took the idea to Fox. The…

Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Star Trek is Better than Star Wars Because Science

This Business Insider video with Neil deGrasse Tyson may, sadly, stir up more controversy than anything else in the astrophysicists career. In it he not only says that Star Trek is better than Star Wars but that Kirk is better than Picard. If it was on YouTube the comments section alone probably would have broken…