Once more with feeling “GMOs Won’t Harm Your Health”

Indre Viskontas at Mother Jones has posted an interview with Dr. Steven Novella of Yale. “Novella is a prominent voice in the skeptical movement, a scientific movement that, as he describes it, focuses heavily on explaining the truth behind common myths—things that people believe that aren’t true.” It is worth reading the whole article but…

Steubenville Whistle Blower Could Do More Time Than the Rapists

Deric Lostutter (a.k.a. KYAnonymous) is probably the person most responsible for calling national and international attention to the rape of a teenage girl by Steubenville high school football players. Now, he may be facing up to 10 years in prison for the hacking which unearthed evidence against the rapists. In an interview with Mother Jones…

Game of Thrones Attack Ads

Game of Thrones, most pirated show in the world two years running, returns with Season 3 this weekend. The folks at Mother Jones have created some political ads to help you decide where your allegiances lie before it all gets started: “Created, written, and directed by David Corn, Dan Schulman, Nick Baumann, Adam Serwer, Tim Murphy, and…

Game of Thrones Attack Ads

Game of Thrones, most pirated show in the world two years running, returns with Season 3 this weekend. The folks at Mother Jones have created some political ads to help you decide where your allegiances lie before it all gets started: “Created, written, and directed by David Corn, Dan Schulman, Nick Baumann, Adam Serwer, Tim Murphy, and…