Government Transparency: So far Justin Trudeau has my vote

I tend to be very ‘left leaning’ and haven’t always been a big fan of the Liberals, but for the last year or so Justin Trudeau has continued to shine while Thomas Mulcair seems primarily interested in Thomas Mulcair. I have been apprehensive about Mulcair from the start and his recent actions haven’t eased my…

Watch “Cosmos on Weed” from Nacho Punch

Personally, I don’t know if weed would help. Personally when I consider that we are made of the fallout of collapsing stars and that we are descended from tiny microscopic organisms – that our ancestors managed to live long enough to procreate despite predators, harsh conditions and mass extinctions over millions of years and that…

Peter McKay proposes marijuana decriminalization, which doesn’t solve any real problems

For once, it is good that the Harper Government consistently shows disdain for the United Nations. Yesterday the International Narcotics Control Board reprimanded Uruguay and the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington over moves to legalize marijuana. Today, according to the CBC, Peter McKay announced that the government is looking at decriminalizing the possession of…

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau Smoked Pot and No One Cares Very Much

Today Justin Trudeau admitted to smoking marijuana while serving as a member of the Parliament of Canada and, for the most part, Canada gave a collective shrug. It has, after all, been more than 20 years since Bill Clinton ‘didn’t inhale’ and Woodstock was almost 45 years ago. In 2013, everyone knows that pot isn’t…

In the Wake of the Vote in Colorado and Washington, Time to Rewatch Reefer Madness

The propaganda campaign against marijuana, largely inspired by racism, was extremely effective and the effects were long lasting. As the effects of that campaign finally start to wear off, I thought it would be fun to revisit the propaganda of ages past. Refer Madness (IMDB), the funniest example of the ‘Just Say No’ school of…

In the Wake of the Vote in Colorado and Washington, Time to Rewatch Reefer Madness

The propaganda campaign against marijuana, largely inspired by racism, was extremely effective and the effects were long lasting. As the effects of that campaign finally start to wear off, I thought it would be fun to revisit the propaganda of ages past. Refer Madness (IMDB), the funniest example of the ‘Just Say No’ school of…