Free Copyright Comic Book

Thanks to Dr. Michael Geist for pointing this out: Appropriation Art a coalition of “over 600 artists, curators, directors, educators, writers, associations and organizations from the art sector. All have come together to express their concern over the state of copyright policy for artists and the future of ‘Appropriation Art’.” The coalition has put together…

Help A Reporter Out

Richelle Gillett pointed this out to me, and while I primarily stick to things Canadian: Web sites are a bit different. allows both reporters and sources sign up and then sends out about 3 emails a day with lists of reporters looking for sources and the kinds of things they are looking for. If…

Do You Want Your Paper Bag Digital (and DRM free)?

Paper Bag Records home of, among many others, the Woodhands, Laura Barrett, the Acorn, You Say Party, We Say Die, Slim Twig, and Tokyo Police Club is launching it’s own, DRM Free, digital music store on June 17. From Exclaim: “Paper Bag plans for the new shop and its 320k/DRM-free files to complement and enhance…

NFB Cuts 22 Jobs

Via Art Threat: As part of it’s ongoing campaign against art, culture, free speech, thought and expression and the uncontrolled flow of information the Conservative Government, in March, slashed $2.5 million from the budget of the National Film Board. As a result the NFB, which over the years has received 90 Genie Awards and 69…