Eyes on Toronto Returns May 5 with what promises to be the best show in at least a month.

Coming up this time around, are Ed-Gass Donnelly, writer and director of This Beautiful City, Comedian Jeff McEnery, and the Toronto debut of the new look Diabloeros. Seriously, what more could you want for 10 bucks on a Monday night? So be there – 8:15 pm, Monday, May 5 at the Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen Street in Toronto and if you really can’t be there in person – watch live online at EyesonToronto.ca.

This Beautiful City by Ed-Glass Donnelly recently swept the ACTRA awards, taking the Best Actor (Aaron Poole), Best Actress (Coroline Cave) Awards and has been showing to rave reviews at film festivals across North America.

MTV Feature on This Beautiful City

Jeff McEnery has won Yuk Yuk’s great Canadian Laough off, “Best Stand Up Newcomer” at the Canadian Comedy Awwards, and has appeared on Just for Laughs” and the “Global Comedy Fest”.

Jeff McEnry on the Great Canadian Laugh Off

After releasing the critically acclaimed “the Diableros Aren’t Ready for the Country” Toronto favourites the Diableros came close to being over. But, just a few short months later the band is back with a new lineup and will make it’s Toronto debut at this month’s Eyes on Toronto.

the Diableros – Sugar Laced Soul

Plus DJ Medley of Hello Saturday’s at Revival. Remix this Wednesday’s