
Finally some good news on the 50th Anniversary Dr. Who special: Up to now, we’ve heard a long list of who is not going to be on the special (pretty much everyone) and we’ve learned that it is going to be in 3D. 3D is bad news for me, the tricks they use to make things 3D don’t work on my particular set of eyes. All it does is give me a headache. I’ve also never been very fond of Matt Smith as the Doctor. To me he’s stil the guy who is looking after the Tardis until a proper Doctor shows up. So, all in all, what should be an epic, historic episode to mark the longest running Sci-Fi franchise ever had sounded like it was going to be just a one off, headache inducing, mediocre episode.

Today though there is hope. The BBC has officially announced that 10th Doctor David Tennant and his companion Rose (Billie Piper) will be returning for the 50th. Will that be enough to save it? Who knows? To me the 50th should have been a season long event with nearly every living actor who has been a part of the series showing up at some point. The return of Tennant and Piper though certainly gives it a thousand times the potential it had last week.