Why Do So Many Science Fiction Writers Fear Science?

Charlie Jane Anders at io9 asked an interesting question this week: “Why does science fiction portray extended human lifespans negatively?”. It is an interesting question in and of itself, but it almost immediately raised other questions for me. Specifically, how do science fiction writers treat other advances that may soon be within our grasp. Surprisingly,…

New Writers

A total of 5 new people have signed up to write for the site. I’ll let them introduce themselves as they will: For anyone else who is interested the basics go like this: The site is about Canadian arts and culture (and sometimes politics): Beyond that No Deadlines No Assignements (you write about what interests…

Seeking Writers

The primary goal of this site is to promote Canadian content and most especially new and emerging Canadian artists from all fields. Sure, it also dabbles in politics, culture, and miscellany – but that is secondary. Given that, I still need more writers. Ideally I’d like to have more people from Toronto, as well as…