Even if the warnings by Musk and Hawking are valid, not much can be done to slow artificial intelligence

Recently two very intelligent and well known individuals, Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, have made headlines by warning us about the ‘dangers’ of artificial intelligence (AI). While I hate to disagree with such brilliant people, I’m not as worried about the future of AI. However, even if I was, I know that there isn’t much…

Almost Human should get a season 2

Over at Slate, Nell McShane Wulfhart posted an article on why Almost Human deserves a second season. The primary point of the article is that “It’s got some of the best futuristic tech on television today.” Wulfhart talks about some of these technologies including 3D printers, robots, drones and various medical technologies. To tell the truth I…

Short video from SciShow explains what Stephen Hawking actually said about black holes

Last week there were a bunch of headlines about Stephen Hawking and black holes. Contrary to what you may have read, Hawking did not ‘change his mind’ about black holes nor did he say that there ‘aren’t any black holes’. What he said was a bit more complicated than either of those things but it…

Animated Video Explains Why Stephen Hawking is a Big Deal

Almost everyone knows that Stephen Hawking is a big deal. At the very least they’ve seen him on Big Bang Theory, but some people may not know why he is important or that he contributed significantly to THE big bang theory. This quick animation from the Guardian explains the big ideas that made everyone care…

Chances Are Aliens Will Never Invade Earth

In 2010, Stephen Hawking caused a bit of a stir by revealing that he believes in aliens and that the Earth could be in danger of invasion by aliens seeking resources. Recent discoveries however make that increasingly unlikely. In a recent blog post, NBC News science editor Alan Boyle pretty much destroys that idea. NASA’s…