Use Your Imagination

Finding connection in the messy days of March is a challenge. There’s a dirty order to the snowbanks lining Toronto streets, exacerbating the isolation winter brings. People are packed away under layers of sweaters, riding alone in cars, subways, and streetcars; they’re lost in their i-pods, glued to their Blackberries, stuck to television screens. Roads…

Odd or not…

There is nothing in the world like the feel of a blank canvas, its promise of possibility still fresh, potent and palpable. As a painter, I enjoy bringing that sense of promise to my other passion in life: theatre. So instead of walking into productions with preconceptions or ideas, I prefer to approach each work…

salty soul

Soulpepper Theatre Company symbolically opened its 10th anniversary season lastnight with the sort of theatre it does best: elegant, intelligent, heart-felt, and entirely Canadian. Set in 1926 Newfoundland, Salt Water Moon tells the story of Mary Snow and Jacob Mercer, two lovers reunited after the latter vanishes off to Toronto for a year. It’s spiked…

eternal hydra

Lest you think mythology is some vague laborious thing you vaguely recall from grade 9, involving monsters and snakeheads an gods hurling thunderbolts from the sky… well, me too. How many times did I go through the Greek and Roman pantheons, trying to keep the names, functions, and connections straight? But the success of the…

a spicy soulpepper season to come

There aren’t many Canadian companies that would have the balls to mix the likes of Neil Simon, William Shakespeare, and Caryl Churchill, all within one season. Even fewer who would add Chekhov, Congreve, Anouilh, and Stoppard. Cries of “it’ll scare people off”, and “it’s too weird”, comments like “there’s no consistency” and “there’s nothing to…