Short video on how you, personally, are connected to the first life on Earth and the big bang

Carl Sagan famously said that ‘we are all star stuff’. While that sounds nice there are a lot of people out there who don’t know what that really means. This short video from Kurzgesagt explains all of that – exactly what kind of star stuff you are and how you personally are came from the Big Bang…

Carl Sagan Explains Evolution in the Original Cosmos

If you’ve been watching Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Spacetime Journey then you’ve seen the wonderfully animated segments on Evolution. It was touched upon in the first episode and discussed in much more detail in the second. This video is the evolution segment from Carl Sagan’s original Cosmos. The animation is much less complex and…

Suggested Reading: ‘Chemists show life on Earth was not a fluke’

There are a variety of theories about life ‘out there’. We can set aside the ones that say ‘an all knowing old man who lives in the clouds made everything’ but there are those who believe that life on Earth was a fluke. The thinking goes that it life on our planet required a combination…