Piipshow webcam features a trendy cafe, for birds

Created by photographer Magne Klann and model maker Lars Aurtrade the Piipshow webcam ( – http://www.nrk.no/piipshow -) features a bird feeder in Norway that has been designed to look like a cafe. A number of birds visit regularly and the feeder is regularly robbed by squirrels. A who’s who of the cafe’s regular visitors can be found here (make sure you…

Radi-Aid: African Musicians Donate Their Time to Save Norway from Cold

After decades of events like Live Aid and Band Aid Africa is giving back. “Africans unite to save Norwegians from dying of frostbite. You too can donate your radiator and spread some warmth!” Radi-Aid is funny on the surface, Africans banding together to help cold people in Norway. The underlying message, as expressed on the…

Radi-Aid: African Musicians Donate Their Time to Save Norway from Cold

After decades of events like Live Aid and Band Aid Africa is giving back. “Africans unite to save Norwegians from dying of frostbite. You too can donate your radiator and spread some warmth!” Radi-Aid is funny on the surface, Africans banding together to help cold people in Norway. The underlying message, as expressed on the…