Breaking Links: Tuesday, December 6, 2007

Despite all of it’s saber rattling, threats and accusations the US now concedes that Iran abandoned it’s nuclear weapons program in 2003. This does not, however, seemed to have changed Bush’s stance on the issue at all. “U.S. President George W. Bush defended his approach Tuesday, and Ms. Rice said it would be a “big…

Breaking Links: Monday, December 3, 2007

Michael Geist has a list of things you can do to fight DCMA: The bill was bought from the Canadian Republican (aka ‘conservative’) party by US lobbyists and would essentially align Canadian copyright laws with those in the States. “First, the bill is likely to include provisions (the anti-circumvention provisions) that have been proven to…

Breaking LInks: Saturday, November 24

Australia has elected a new PM who promises to move the country in a different direction. “Labor Party head Kevin Rudd’s pledges on global warming and Iraq move Australia sharply away from policies that had made Mr. Howard one of U.S. President George W. Bush’s staunchest allies.” This means that it will probably be Canada…

Breaking Links: Tuesday, November 20

Breaking Links Hugh McGuire on Google Books vs. the Open Content Alliance and why many research libraries are choosing the latter. has a review of and an interview with Ohbijou from their Lee’s Palace show. From Amber MacArthur a new US site invites you to review your neighbours. The Globe and Mail’s Stephen Cole…