Category: Health Care

  • Notes and fact checks on the Republican health care bill

    Notes and fact checks on the Republican health care bill

    The Republican controlled House of Representatives has been promising for years to repeal and replace Obamacare and they have finally passed a bill – one that will probably never become law but that they will may pay a heavy price for in 2018 according to the Cook Political Report. To get a better idea of…

  • The Robot Will See You Now [video]

    The Robot Will See You Now [video]

    I talked a few days ago about the potential near-term future of AI in health care. Just to kind of supplement that a bit, here is a video from wired about some current applications of medical bots, some of the things that are in the pipe and the pros and cons of automation in health…

  • Would you trade your doctor for an app?

    Would you trade your doctor for an app?

    There is no doubt that robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are going to have a significant impact on the health industry. The biggest obstacle, as in many industries, is likely to be trust. However, medical bots and AI may help to alleviate many of the other complaints about health care including cost, convenience and availability….

  • Republicans lost on health care for the same reason Democrats lost the election

    In the United States there are two major parties, both of which consist of big tent coalitions. The Democrats start from the socialist left and run to moderates who could just as easily be moderate Republicans. Republicans do the same from the right, from the Neo-Nazi alt-right to people who could just as easily be…

  • Roundup: The fallout from the failure to repeal Obamacare

    Pretty much everyone is painting the defeat of the Republican bill as a major defeat for Trump and the Republican congress including ABC News, the New York Times, Reuters, the Chicago Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, Boston Globe, CBS News, the Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and BBC. Despite Republican control of both the House…

  • Basic Income Plus: A 21st century social safety net for everyone

    Recently, the idea of a universal ‘basic income‘ has been popping up again. According to the Globe and Mail, Canada’s government is considering it as a way to fight poverty. In the United States, Silicon Valley types are embracing the idea and it seems to be growing in popularity, worldwide, among socialists and libertarians alike….

  • Watch Zach Galifianakis interview President Barack Obama on Between Two Ferns

    In the kind of hard hitting interview that you’d normally expect from CNN or Entertainment Weekly Zach Galifianakis and President Barack Obama talk about basketball, turkey pardons, presidential libraries, hangover 3 and other vital issues of state. Still, the Phillip Bump at the Wire says that it’s the interview that could “Save Obama’s Presidency” and they…

  • One opinion on health care

    In case anyone’s wondering, this is strictly my own point of view here. It’s quite possibly ill-informed, but it’s all mine. And it’s a bit of a rant. But since I once hailed from Tommy Douglas’ neck of the prairies, the rant would perhaps be inevitable. You can also blame it on reading reports like…

  • In Which Health Nuttery Abounds – Questions Included

    Hi again. If you’ve taken a look at some of my other web assets, you’ll have caught sight of pictures I’ve taken of myself and posted. One thing the photos will make instantly clear: I’ve got eyesight issues. There’s no use in hiding the fact. But it does serve as a springboard for something else…

  • Private Care Failing in Ontario

    Private health care in Ontario has taken off with a resounding thud. First the Indo-Canadian community turned against the provinces first Public Private Partnership (P3) Hospital. Fuelling people’s fury are not only the deaths of two Punjabi men due to the hospital’s alleged negligence in November and a wrong surgery on a Punjabi woman last…