Check out the aboriginal “powwow step” of A Tribe Called Red

This post is, primarily, for readers outside of Canada. For the last two years Ottawa, Ontario’s A Tribe Called Red has been gaining steam by doing the “impossible” – getting young people in clubs to dance to aboriginal folk songs, some of which are thousands of years old. They’ve taken traditional native powwow songs, and…

Woman Comes to Help First Nations Women, Gets Harassed by Border Guards

According to Patricia Stein, she was racially profiled by Canadian border guards and grilled about her political affiliations when she arrived in Saskatoon yesterday. I first told you about Patricia’s ‘Arming Sisters‘ campaign in March. Patricia is currently touring North America providing self-defense instruction to aboriginal women. Yesterday was her first stop in Canada. According…

Woman Comes to Help First Nations Women, Gets Harassed by Border Guards

According to Patricia Stein, she was racially profiled by Canadian border guards and grilled about her political affiliations when she arrived in Saskatoon yesterday. I first told you about Patricia’s ‘Arming Sisters‘ campaign in March. Patricia is currently touring North America providing self-defense instruction to aboriginal women. Yesterday was her first stop in Canada. According…

Inuit preschoolers often go hungry: study (CBC)

Seventy per cent of Inuit preschoolers in Nunavut live in homes where there isn’t enough food, a situation with implications for children’s development, said a McGill University researcher. The average Nunavut family with young children is paying close to $430 a week for groceries, double the price for a family of the same size in…

Breaking Links: Thursday, December 20

The Loonie has been named Time Magazine’s Newsmaker of the Year. “Time magazine named the loonie the Canadian Newsmaker of 2007, saying the dollar’s rapid rise was a sure sign that “something big was happening in Canada.” From the Hollywood Reporter: Where is this talent wave coming from? Oh, Canada “Look out Hollywood and America,…