PBS Digital Studios teams up with the Vlogbrothers channel Crash Course to teach you Astronomy

The Green Brothers, Hank and John are incredibly successful on YouTube and in other areas as well. Their channel Vlogbrothers has more than 2.4 million subscribers, Hank’s YouTube channel SciShow also has well over 2.3 million and, at last count their latest project “Crash Course” has over 2.6 million. If you are interested, you can…

Why it’s so very difficult to find extraterrestrial life [video]

It is fairly safe to say that somewhere out there, there is intelligent life. The odds of life occurring on any particular planet or moon are not good at all. If life does occur, the odds of that life evolving into an intelligent species aren’t very good and, even if it does, there are all…

Bill Nye talks about taking Carl Sagan’s astronomy classes at Cornell

Before Sagan was on Cosmos and Bill Nye was “the Science Guy”, Nye was a student of Sagan’s at Cornell University. As you’ll know if you watched Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos reboot, Sagan tried to recruit him for Cornell also. Tyson chose Harvard instead but other students of Sagan include David Morrison of the SETI…

Nasa Wavelength Provides Free Educational Resources for All Levels

In this age of austerity budgets, when schools are trying to prepare young people for the future with smaller and smaller budgets, free educational resources from one of the worlds leading scientific institutions can only be a good thing. Via Phys.org: “Called NASA Wavelength, the site features hundreds of resources organized by topic and audience…

Nasa Wavelength Provides Free Educational Resources for All Levels

In this age of austerity budgets, when schools are trying to prepare young people for the future with smaller and smaller budgets, free educational resources from one of the worlds leading scientific institutions can only be a good thing. Via Phys.org: “Called NASA Wavelength, the site features hundreds of resources organized by topic and audience…