Are we looking for advanced alien civilizations the wrong way?

Earlier this month a team of researchers made headlines by not finding any signs of alien life in 100,000 galaxies. Their search was based on the theories put forward by physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960. Freeman Dyson theorized that advanced technological cultures would be limited by an ever growing demand for energy. This is the…

On Overview of Life Out There in Fact and Fiction: “Once Upon a Planet” [podcast]

The CBC’s Idea’s podcast with Paul Kennedy recently took a one hour look at our search for extraterrestrial life. The podcast features views from: Ray Jayawardhana, Canada Research Chair in Observational Astrophysics at University of Toronto. Robert J. Sawyer, science fiction novelist. Jack Cohen, biologist, science writer and science fiction author. Gregory Benford, Professor of…

Chances Are Aliens Will Never Invade Earth

In 2010, Stephen Hawking caused a bit of a stir by revealing that he believes in aliens and that the Earth could be in danger of invasion by aliens seeking resources. Recent discoveries however make that increasingly unlikely. In a recent blog post, NBC News science editor Alan Boyle pretty much destroys that idea. NASA’s…

Suggested Reading: The Great Exoplanet Debate

Astronomers are discovering new exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) on a weekly basis now. If you are interested in the possibility of life beyond Earth you should read Astrobiology Magazine’s “The Great Exoplanet Debate” to learn more about what astronomers and astrobiologists are looking for when they describe “habitable” and “Earth like” planets. The article is…