Things that you ‘know’ about the human brain that are wrong (science video)

People who are anti-science frequently say that “science is always changing its mind”, what is more accurate to say is that “science is always expanding what it knows”. This sometimes causes changes in conventional wisdom. It’s also true that many misconceptions have been created by people who don’t really understand science trying to explain science.…

AsapSCIENCE Explores the Genetic Roots of Laziness vs. Activity

Research with mice has shown that the things that motivate us and how strong that motivation is, at least in part, is genetic. Additionally what we do and don’t do – how we respond to those motivations – gets passed down to the next generation. In other words, the less active we are the less…

Video: AsapSCIENCE looks at why we get nervous and what to do about it

A short video from AsapSCIENCE looks at the things that make us nervous, how our bodies react to the stress and how we can fight back against it. Sadly, the video does mention the Olympics, if only in passing. I’ve been trying to avoid any acknowledgement or mention of Sochi but the information here is still good…

Video from ASAP Science: Does being cold make you sick?

Conventional wisdom holds that you need to bundle up and stay warm during the winter because you will catch a cold if you don’t. According to the video below from AsapSCIENCE, it isn’t nearly that simple.  Colds and flu are, after all, caused by viruses and being cold, by itself, doesn’t bring you into contact…

A Short (Video) Introduction to 3D Priting

I’ve talked quite a bit about 3D printing, the promise it holds and the disruptive impact it will have. However, for those of you who are not quite clear on exactly what 3D printing is or how it works, this short (3 minute) video from AsapSCIENCE should at least get you started. It’s a bit…