During a brief hiatus from a frantic lifestyle (all of about 3 hours), my fiance and I cruised Edmonton in the convertible, stereo pounding, and both lamenting the passing of stellar, flawless musicianship. While everyone else was shoving the latest commercial garbage through their woofers, we were enjoying the strains of the Brian Setzer Orchestra and the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies. Yes, swing, rockabilly. For those of you too young to know what I’m talking about, you should put down the rap long enough to check them out.

Will this kind of music ever truly make a comeback? The type of music that sells itself just by virtue of the abilities of the band members? Sadly, it seems that silicone and soft porn is what sells records these days, not genius. Half-baked lyrics, suggestive gyrations, and barely adequate instrumentation.

The way I see it, Top 40 music is like junk food; it’s okay in small doses but you need to balance it with healthier listening, music that your mind can truly appreciate. Leave the T & A in Playboy where it belongs, and let’s get back to what it’s really all about…the music.
