The age old question of pirates vs. ninjas appears to have been settled. While piracy is alive and well in 2012 it will soon be without ninjas. According to Blastr the head of the world’s last ninja clan plans to take his secrets with him to the grave.

“The reason? Well, this may come as a shock, so sit down—it’s kind of hard to get away with teaching people how to make poisons and assassinate people these days. Kawakami himself elaborates, saying “We can’t try out murder or poisons. Even if we can follow the instructions to make a poison, we can’t try it out.”

It also doesn’t help that being a kid trained in the ninja arts doesn’t exactly sound like a day at the gymboree. “I was required to endure heat and cold as well as pain and hunger,” says Kawakami. “The training was all tough and painful. It wasn’t fun but I didn’t think much why I was doing it. Training was made to be part of my life.”