So after I posted the updates to the site yesterday I got a message from Mathias Kom (Burning Hell) about a project that has been going on in Peterborough for a few years now Radio Free Peterborough. From RFP’s about section:

Radio Free Peterborough is an all volunteer-run Internet Radio Station that features only the music of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
RFP also aims to be a cultural heritage resource for music that falls below the radar of the commercial music industry, but still sounds great. Especially when you know everyone you’re listening to.
We want you to start your own radio station, so go grab a copy of our D.I.Y. Internet Radio document. It’s free, and so is everything you need to get started. If you have a windows computer on a fast connection that can play music, you’re already most of the way to being a radio station.

RFP has spawned similar efforts in Wakefield, Quebec and Chihuahua province, Mexico. If you’d like to read their DIY Internet Radio document you can grab a copy at

Anyway, I decided that any city that could spawn RFP had something going on so there is a 31st city included on now It’s a bit sparse at the moment, but I’m sure someone will come along and tell me what else should be in there.