As we wait for the 2nd round I’ve been keeping a playoff blog following the Montreal Canadiens. For more about what happened in the 1st round you can go to comtemplating…I simply know better. It’s more of a fan’s perspective as I’ve been a fan since The Canadiens last won in 1993. I’ve been picky about the fans, some who have been following (good or bad), some who just gone on the bandwagoning of the playoffs and then there is far worse. I wrote this yesterday reacting to the riots on Monday which on behalf of the real fans, feel embarrassed and disappointed:

Congratulations to the Montreal Canadiens on recovering and playing like the team that won the division championships. Thanks for the exciting blowout of 5-0 and showing that this team can handle the pressure. Also, congrats on the fans on making a complete ass of themselves and the reputation of the team and the city itself by torching cars and breaking windows. We’ve now given more fuel to the Leaf Nation’s fire.
Sure, they celebrate 1st rounds like it were Stanley Cup Finals, at least they know not to RIOT in the 1st round.
IT’S ONLY THE 1ST ROUND as I yelled this at a fan who was being hauled by two cops on my way home. REALLY, sounding like a mother who had been biting her lip for too long watching her kid do something stupid to the point it starts to bleed and can’t contain her words any longer. This really spoiled already an amazing night.
We have to acquire more guys who’s last name starts with K.
My night started at Ye Olde on The Main with a posse from The Concordian newspaper and the usual I normally watch the games with. There was an energy in the back section, screaming at the TV and gulping beer that isn’t Molson. I held in my excitement (in between screaming in fear whenever the puck was in our zone, I know it doesn’t help, defense does). I fully concentrated until the last 5 minutes in the 3rd period. That’s when I pumped my arms up in the air and woo hooed till the clock ran out. That was a close one. Now we wait for tonight’s game (Philly or Washington, take your pick). Meanwhile Calgary will be doing the same thing as us, only without the riot.
I went by my Cafe Depot job to find the crew I work and watch the games with, I found them outside waving a Belarus flag. This is in regards to the Kostiyn brothers who have been amazing this past game 7. Off we went, flag, confused people and all, down to Ste Catherine to see the celebrations. At first we were seeing the good fans, flags on cars and jerseys. All was good until we saw the riot cops, then we knew that this was one of those situations. Or so we thought. I thought the cops were there to contain the excitement, not realising what had been having in the last 20 minutes.
Myself and the Depot crew had a cheap pitcher of Ex and a couple shots, then met some Ukrainians who recognized the flag of Belarus. This is what I love about playoffs, everyone is united about the love of the team, the excitement of victory and the positives it brings to the city. Not quite, you got to remember that there’s a lot of beer involve. Beer can equal stupid. There was the drunk girl at the bar, the glasses that hit the ground, the one Bruin fan sitting at Peel Pub, this was small potatoes to me until I headed home. The guys with the Belarus flag headed back to the Main.
I don’t normally hang out downtown, more of a Main girl however I loitered for a little bit as I was full of cheap beer and wobbled on my bike. There were the fans that were partying on the street still, playing in Tam Tam like demeanor, cars honking. No harm, then the riot cops again. I hit Crescent and noticed the smoke and smell of gasoline. I headed up knowing that my curiosity would have consequences. I looked on as I saw 7 people destroy a cop car right in front of MadHatters (not surprised that it was in front of Hatters). They were throwing rocks and stomping on the hood. A guy next to me mentioned that this had been happened in the last hour, cop cars being torched, store windows shattered. But, this is ONLY the 1st round, who are these people?I’ve been picky about the fans of late, there are the hardcore, the ones that know the history, the fair weather fans that have their flag on the cars and tin foil cups. What happened that night were the killjoys, no respect, an excuse to destroy things just because we normally riot come the final. Someone jumped the gun and went too damn far. This makes the team, the fans, the city look bad. Pissing off the legends of the game who would win the cup every year, yep, you pissed off Jean Belivieu;
you don’t want to piss off Jean Belivieu.
I ducked to another bar to avoid rocks hitting my head. Watching the crowd run down Bishop as the riot cops were not too far behind. This was the only time I didn’t have my camera, was pissed drunk and pissed at myself for being a bad photog. I’ve been lately frustrated on where my photo has been going, stuck as of late however I will get to that another time. More angry as this is only the 1st round, this is a distraction, this can cause more harm than it already has. What happens if we make it past 2nd round, what are the cops going to do? What about the good fans, it leaves a big mark knowing that there are the drunken killjoys (like the ones in English soccer), do we have to resort to new tactics. When did a hockey game turn into turmoil, I don’t know but I know for one thing, it’s sitting on the minds of the players come the 2nd round. The team had restored their focus, what’s going to happen now?