If you live in Toronto and have a brain there is something you should know about. In this particular case I don’t mean ‘Are you smarter than a 5th grader’ – I mean if it literally. Brainsgiving is the um… brain child of Amanda Terfloth who was diagnosed with a pituitary tumour at age 17. For the full story go here.

Brainsgiving is literally a celebration of the brain itself and now, it is a fundraiser

In August 2007, it dawned on Amanda that the best way to celebrate Brainsgiving would be to hold a fundraiser for the same Neurotrauma centre that changed her quality of life and saved the lives of so many others. Not the wine and cheese soiree sort, she spread word amongst her comedic brethren and solicited help to build a four foot brain out of unlikely household items. The INAUGURAL BRAINSGIVING FUNDRAISER was born.

So, on Monday, December 3rd at 7:15pm at Revival, (783 College Street at Shaw in Toronto) there is going to be a fundraiser for the St. Michael’s Foundation. It will be hosted by Stephen Eyes, and will feature performances from Fraser Young, Jillian Thomas, Levi MacDougall, Darrin Rose and others.

So, if you have a brain and want to show it some love or, if you don’t have a brain but think they’re pretty neat visit brainsgiving.ca and/or http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=5860274454 for details.