Like most people in the north east, we are expecting a lot of rain for Halloween. If you’re looking for something to make your holiday merrier that doesn’t involve getting wet there are dozens of full length horror movies available on YouTube. I’m not sure about the copyright clearance on all of these, all I know is that they are up and you can watch them. The films below are just a small sampling of what is available. If you have a favorite, search for it and feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

Nosferatu (IMDB), the original 1922 vampire movie. It is silent but if you’re a fan of vampire films, you have to see it. It is to blood suckers what Night of the Living Dead is to zombies.

Speaking of Night of the Living Dead (IMDB) here is George A. Romero’s first look at the zombie apocalypse.

Then there is more Romero with 1985’s Day of the Dead (IMDB)

Next up, Claude Raines and Lon Cheney (not to be confused with Dick Cheney) star in the Wolf Man (IMDB)

Then there’s the 1961 adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s the Pit and the Pendulum (IMDB) with Vincent Price

and the often duplicated 1956 production of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (IMDB)

Last up, for this round, the 1962 cult classic Carnival of Souls (IMDB) In which a woman is inexplicably drawn to a abandoned carnival.