The Most Underreported Story of 2012 According to the Young Turks

According to the Young Turks the most underreported news story of 2012 was the attempt by Rupert Murdoch and Fox News to buy the US Presidency. Obviously the Young Turks is US based, in Canada the most “underreported story” (especially for TV news) would probably be ‘anything important, especially if it involves the current government’…

The Most Underreported Story of 2012 According to the Young Turks

According to the Young Turks the most underreported news story of 2012 was the attempt by Rupert Murdoch and Fox News to buy the US Presidency. Obviously the Young Turks is US based, in Canada the most “underreported story” (especially for TV news) would probably be ‘anything important, especially if it involves the current government’…

The David Petraeus Story The Media Didn’t Love: How Rupurt Murdoch Tried to Buy The Presidency

This story did get published, it made the news – sort of. If you Google it you will get hits. However, it certainly did not get the attention that Patraeus’ affair did. In 2011, Rupert Murdoch attempted to recruit Patraus to run for the Presidency against Barack Obama. According to reports Murdoch offered to bankroll…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 4

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. In Canada, Stephen Harper continued to isolate us from the rest of the world by endorsing Israeli settlements, refusing…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 4

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. In Canada, Stephen Harper continued to isolate us from the rest of the world by endorsing Israeli settlements, refusing…