Hey Kids! Let’s All Hate Benjamin Button!

I’ve thought, for a long time now, that Hollywood is almost bereft of ideas. Sure they manage an occasional good one but that I attribute, for the most part, to the infinite monkey theorem, to films made by talented and newly arrived foreigners or to something of quality slipping through the nets that Hollywood erects…

It’s Bucky Time!!

Hey kids It’s time to vote in the CBC Radio 3 Bucky Awards! The categories are Song Most Likely to be a Future Classic Best Song to Listen to in the Fetal Position Best Rap Best Yacht Rock Best New Band Name Best Gang Vocals Best Video Sexiest Canadian Musician Musician Most Likely to have…

CBC Radio 3: New Show and Podcast Coming

First, this should not be confused with R3TV although hopefully this is a step in that direction. Beginning Wednesday, October 3rd at 10 PM and Midnight (EST) CBC Country Canada will feature In Session “a raw, half-hour, behind-the-scenes glimpse into the CBC Radio 3 Sessions. No hooks, no gimmicks, no lip synch — just great…