Bad Week for Women and Mothers

Somehow despite all of the images of Women and babies (notably in mangers) this time of year, people seem to suddenly have a problem with both. In Nova Scotia a restauranteur was warned about breast feeding in the restaurant: A few days ago the restaurant received its second official letter of complaint in six months…

Bad Week for Women and Mothers

Somehow despite all of the images of Women and babies (notably in mangers) this time of year, people seem to suddenly have a problem with both. In Nova Scotia a restauranteur was warned about breast feeding in the restaurant: A few days ago the restaurant received its second official letter of complaint in six months…

Merging the Maritimes is Good for Harper, Not Atlantic Canada

The proposed merger of Canada’s Maritime provinces (namely Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI) makes no sense for the people of the region and smacks, if anything, of Stephen Harper’s Machiavellian manipulations. The first reason to ditch the idea is that those proposing it don’t really have any sound arguments for doing so. The only…

Merging the Maritimes is Good for Harper, Not Atlantic Canada

The proposed merger of Canada’s Maritime provinces (namely Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI) makes no sense for the people of the region and smacks, if anything, of Stephen Harper’s Machiavellian manipulations. The first reason to ditch the idea is that those proposing it don’t really have any sound arguments for doing so. The only…