Category: Feminism

  • Pride & Prejudice: Angry white voter edition

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via / CC BY-SA Today on Twitter, Juliana Pache said “White people think pro-blackness is anti-white because pro-whiteness is rooted in racism & is synonymous with white supremacy & violence.” White people think pro-blackness is anti-white because pro-whiteness is rooted in racism & is synonymous with white supremacy & violence. —…

  • Suggested Reading: ‘The Great Gatsby’ Still Gets Flappers Wrong

    In 2013, and for a very long time, when someone says ‘Flappers’ the images conjured are of the dancing girls of the jazz age. That image is, mostly, wrong. They were far more than arm candy, gangster molls and dancing girls. The flappers were more accurately an early wave of feminism. Although they didn’t have…

  • Suggested Reading: ‘The Great Gatsby’ Still Gets Flappers Wrong

    In 2013, and for a very long time, when someone says ‘Flappers’ the images conjured are of the dancing girls of the jazz age. That image is, mostly, wrong. They were far more than arm candy, gangster molls and dancing girls. The flappers were more accurately an early wave of feminism. Although they didn’t have…

  • Bad Week for Women and Mothers

    Somehow despite all of the images of Women and babies (notably in mangers) this time of year, people seem to suddenly have a problem with both. In Nova Scotia a restauranteur was warned about breast feeding in the restaurant: A few days ago the restaurant received its second official letter of complaint in six months…

  • Bad Week for Women and Mothers

    Somehow despite all of the images of Women and babies (notably in mangers) this time of year, people seem to suddenly have a problem with both. In Nova Scotia a restauranteur was warned about breast feeding in the restaurant: A few days ago the restaurant received its second official letter of complaint in six months…

  • Help Amnesty International to Free Pussy Riot!

    According to Amnesty International, 3 suspected members of the feminist Russian punk group Pussy Riot have been detained and charged with “hooliganism”. (Yes this is Russia and not Mayberry). The charges stem from a performance by Pussy Riot in a Russian Cathedral (see video below.) The women arrested; Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alekhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich…

  • Help Amnesty International to Free Pussy Riot!

    According to Amnesty International, 3 suspected members of the feminist Russian punk group Pussy Riot have been detained and charged with “hooliganism”. (Yes this is Russia and not Mayberry). The charges stem from a performance by Pussy Riot in a Russian Cathedral (see video below.) The women arrested; Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alekhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich…