Category: Myths

  • Things you can call bullshit on, according to science

    Regardless of what memes pop up in your timeline or what it says in the emails your mom sends, the following things are true according to science: Chemical-free isn’t a real thing, everything is made of chemicals Chemtrails are just water vapour  Chiropractors are not doctors Climate change is real and caused by humans Conspiracy…

  • 10 Historical Figures Who Might Not Have Existed

    A new video from Alltime10s looks at some well known historical figures who may not have existed. Some of these (King Arthur) are somewhat obvious. They unfortunately chose to skip some of the best known. For example it is unlikely that there ever was a Jesus, there probably was no Moses, or an Exodus. In fact only…

  • 50 Science Myths Debunked in under 8 minutes (video)

    The folks at Mental Floss put together this little video where they tear down 50 misconceptions about science in 7 minutes and 44 seconds. That breaks down to one myth busted every 9.28 seconds. So, if you’re not really into science, this video could be a bit disturbing because they’re basically going to debunk everything…