FCC site has crashed just hours ahead of Net Neutrality comment deadline (keep commenting anyway)

Demand Progress (Demandprogress.org) is reporting that the Federal Communications Commission’s comment site has crashed from the influx of traffic. The deadline to submit comments, which the FCC encouraged, is midnight tonight. However, that doesn’t mean that you’ve lost your chance. Demand Progress and their allies at battleforthenet.com are storing comments so that they can be passed along…

John Oliver and Bill Nye on an accurate climate change “debate”

Neil deGrasse Tyson recently gave television news media a slap on the wrist for giving climate change deniers equal time and hosting debates on whether or not climate change is real. At this point it is an absurd thing to do. Giving those who do not believe in global warming equal time is roughly the equivalent…

John Oliver’s ‘Last Week Tonight’ coming to HBO starting April 27

There is some sort of US Department of Homeland Security restricting the number of Brits who can be on American television. Fortunately, CNN fired Piers Morgan which opened up a spot for John Oliver (Daily Show, Community). Starting April 27, Oliver will bring you all the news you need, when you need it. That is…