Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 26, 2012 (stuff you may have missed during the holiday)

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: Canada has been relatively quiet over the holiday, but it won’t stay that way for long. The Idle No…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 26, 2012 (stuff you may have missed during the holiday)

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: Canada has been relatively quiet over the holiday, but it won’t stay that way for long. The Idle No…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 23

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: Apparently the world is now so dangerous that even Santa Claus needs an armed military escort to cross…

During This Morning’s NRA Press Conference 4 People Were Killed in a Pennsylvania Shooting

This morning the National Rifle Association broke their silence on the Newtown school massacre. Predictably, the NRA stated that more guns, not less, was the way to prevent future tragedies: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” LaPierre said. He blamed video games, movies…

During This Morning’s NRA Press Conference 4 People Were Killed in a Pennsylvania Shooting

This morning the National Rifle Association broke their silence on the Newtown school massacre. Predictably, the NRA stated that more guns, not less, was the way to prevent future tragedies: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” LaPierre said. He blamed video games, movies…

A Pile of Statistics on Americans and Their Guns

The CBC and Atlantic Wire both did statistical breakdowns of gun ownership and gun crime in the US today. Sadly I cannot easily paste their statistics in here. They both use complicated sets of charts, however, studying them can tell you all kinds of interesting things. Such as: Gun violence is actually down in the…

A Pile of Statistics on Americans and Their Guns

The CBC and Atlantic Wire both did statistical breakdowns of gun ownership and gun crime in the US today. Sadly I cannot easily paste their statistics in here. They both use complicated sets of charts, however, studying them can tell you all kinds of interesting things. Such as: Gun violence is actually down in the…