Category: film

  • Stunning time-lapse videos of Yosemite and the Aurora Borealis

    Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love a good time lapse video? Skies are especially good subjects because they usually seem to be holding still, or close to it, if you just look up but they aren’t and we aren’t. I found a couple of good ones this week. The first is from Laughing…

  • Watch one of the all time greatest mashups: 1001 movies in 10 minutes

    According to io9 this supercut video took creator Jonathan Keogh more than a year. He said that it was important to start with a film projector because film is already, largely, a thing of the past. Based on his sentiments I see it as a sort of tribute to all the movies.

  • 2005 Heath Ledger Interview Animated by PBS

    In this 2005 interview with Entertainment Weekly’s Christine Spines, the late Heath Ledger discussed his art, the business he is in and his life with partner Michelle Williams. It was re-animated and edited for the PBS series Blank on Blank. Via Laughing Squid

  • Jordan Belfort was a wimp compared to Star Trek TNG’s ‘Worf of Wall Street’

    Belfort may have ripped off people for millions, stashed the money in offshore accounts to avoid taxes and made it through the justice system with only a slap on the wrist for selling out his co-workers but he fought without honor. Besides who needs millions of dollars when you have a star ship, photon torpedoes,…

  • 1975 version of Dune that never was would have starred Brando, Dali & Jagger

    Fans of science fiction and especially of Frank Herbert know the 1984 version of the film with Sting. Serious fans also know the 2000 mini-series and the 2003 follow up Children of Dune. There is also, according to IMDB, another version in development. However, no one has gotten to see the best version of Dune….

  • Short Film, P.S. Hoffman (A Tribute) celebrates the work of an amazing actor

    Editor Caleb Slain has created, this homage to the recently departed Phillip Seymour Hoffman. P.S. Hoffman (A Tribute). He refers to it as a “A post-script journey through Philip Seymour Hoffman’s lifetime in cinema.” The 20+ minute short uses scenes from Jack Goes Boating, Mission Impossible III, the Invention of Lying, Doubt, Pirate Radio, The Savages, Moneyball,…

  • Now is the time at the movies when we dance: Supercut of 246 dance scenes

    From Supercut Videos, 246 dance numbers from 246 movies condensed into an epic 4 minute video. See how many movies you recognize, but only if you’re that kind of person. For the rest of you, just enjoy it (and tell me you didn’t hit play more than once).

  • Video: The Oscars in Two Minutes

    If the Academy Award people are concerned about the ceremony’s tendency to run long, they should talk to the people at Digg. They’ve condensed the ceremony down to two minutes. So if you missed it and want to catch the hi-lights or of you deliberately avoided watching it because of the length or if you’d just…

  • How Harry Potter should have ended.

    J.K. Rowling said recently that Harry Potter should have married Hermoione Granger at the end of the story. She was wrong. By ending things the way she did, Harry married Ginny and the boy who had no family suddenly had a large one. Ron, who had always come in second to Harry got the girl….

  • More Matrix movies, really?

    Remember Star Wars? We got three amazing films. Everyone wanted more then, finally, we got them. Lord of the Rings was brilliant, everyone said “I wonder if they’ll do the Hobbit” and then, sadly, they did. Remember Alien? It was a classic movie, Aliens was (arguably) better, Alien 3 was … ok and Alien Resurrection…