Why Mitt Romney Should Never Be Elected to Any Office – Ever

Mitt Romney has no real ‘ideas’, that much was obvious early on. He has nothing original to contribute. All of his proposed “solutions” to the ills of the United States are Republican talking points which date back to Reagan or, in some cases, Nixon. That he brings nothing to the table though is only the…

Why Mitt Romney Should Never Be Elected to Any Office – Ever

Mitt Romney has no real ‘ideas’, that much was obvious early on. He has nothing original to contribute. All of his proposed “solutions” to the ills of the United States are Republican talking points which date back to Reagan or, in some cases, Nixon. That he brings nothing to the table though is only the…

Mitt Romney Would Outlaw Abortion in All Cases

In an interview today, Mitt Romney sought to distance himself and Paul Ryan from the medieval position on rape and abortion taken by Representative Todd Akin. In the interview with National Review Romney said: “Congressman’s Akin comments on rape are insulting, inexcusable, and, frankly, wrong,” Romney said. “Like millions of other Americans, we found them…

Mitt Romney Would Outlaw Abortion in All Cases

In an interview today, Mitt Romney sought to distance himself and Paul Ryan from the medieval position on rape and abortion taken by Representative Todd Akin. In the interview with National Review Romney said: “Congressman’s Akin comments on rape are insulting, inexcusable, and, frankly, wrong,” Romney said. “Like millions of other Americans, we found them…

I Vote Toronto

Episode 34 of This Is Toronto is now available! ‘I Vote Toronto’ is a collection of individuals who want current voting laws to change. According to the organization’s website, there are more than 200,000 eligible voters who are not legally allowed to vote in the upcoming municipal election. www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.com NEXT EPISODE: Sept. 24, 2010

It Is Time to Bring Down This Government

I understood when Michael Ignatieff passed the Conservative budget. It was important to get money flowing. Brining down the government one the budget would have delayed for months improvements to unemployment insurance (as slight as they were) and infrastructure dollars. But the budget is done. Todays announcement of layoffs at the CBC was entirely preventable.…