The End of CAIRS and of Confidence

I’m still getting alot of mail about the decision by Harper’s Tories to close CAIRS. I don’t really know what to say about it, that hasn’t been said elsewhere. I am also not surprised. I have said often and frequently that this is a government obsessed with censorship, secrecy and the control of information. The…

Filmmaker’s Statement on Bill C-10

Passing this on from, Carl Laudan, a member of the Canadian Fair Media Coalition. Carl’s film “Sheltered Life” will be screening at the Cannes Film Festival May 15th at 10am, Palais K theatre. Filmmaker’s Statement on TV/FILM tax credit content of Bill C-10 I’m a Westerner (born ‘n raised in Vancouver), and I’m one of…

Harper Wants an Election on Right to Censor

Amazingly, Stephen Harper’s Tories want to fight an election on a pro-censorship platform. “Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is declaring film tax-credit legislation a matter of confidence in the Conservative government, meaning MPs could land on Canadian doorsteps this spring to debate the line between art and pornography.Mr. Flaherty said the legislation, known as Bill C-10,…