Fight Censorship & Protect Privacy: The Declaration of Internet Freedom

I’ve been waiting for someone to do something like this for awhile: Open Media International has created the ‘Declaration of Internet Freedom‘ which aims to prevent censorship and government control of information, reward innovation and protect personal privacy. The internet may be the greatest tool in the history of humanity, it also has the potential…

Japanese University Offers Free Access to Dozens of VPNs

From the Great Firewall of China to the UK ban on the Pirate Bay, nearly every country now faces some form of internet censorship. Apparently no one need worry about it anymore: The Graduate School of University of Tsukuba, Japan, has just launched a free VPN (Virtual Private Network) service which will allow users to…

Japanese University Offers Free Access to Dozens of VPNs

From the Great Firewall of China to the UK ban on the Pirate Bay, nearly every country now faces some form of internet censorship. Apparently no one need worry about it anymore: The Graduate School of University of Tsukuba, Japan, has just launched a free VPN (Virtual Private Network) service which will allow users to…

Canadian Blogger Arrested in Tehran

Via CBC comes word that Canadian-Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan has been arrested in Tehran. Derakhshan, author of Editor Myself, which has been included in the news and politics section of for some time has drawn fire from both Tehran and Washington over the years. International human rights groups and media reports said Derakhshan, a…

Is Stephen Harper Really Canadian?

Back in February the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage made some recommendations for the future of the CBC. Among them Increased funding Fewer commercials Increased Canadian content More regional programming More online programming Increased partnerships with other Canadian cultural instutions Today according to Inside the CBC the report was completely rejected by the Harper Government.…

Automated Censorship via Robot

Via Bookninja: While trying to access Bookninja via free wireless in Halifax, it was discovered that access to the site was blocked by Hotspot due to a “banned phrase”. The unidentified phrase was apparently found by a robot searching for keywords. I understand that in some cases web content must be filitered. Blocking pornography where…