Additions to Band Blogs Too

Seven new additions to Band Blogs Too today. That brings the total between Band Blogs and Band Blogs Too to 128 Canadian Musical Acts. Between these two pages you can keep up with all of them, in their own words. Bear in mind that some acts aren’t included simply because they don’t have a blog,…

New Stuff

So I haven’t had a whole lot of time to write anything today because I’ve been busy with admin/back end stuff. But I’ve added some new Zunior links – including a feed of their latest releases (see sidebar). I’ve also added some new stuff to the ‘More Links’ section (sidebar again), but I won’t tell…

Band Blogs Updated

Yesterday I received an email from someone wondering if I’d like to include his blog in the site. I’ve gotten several of these lately and if I haven’t gotten back to you it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not going to, it just means I haven’t gotten to it yet. Anyway, I went to look at…