Harper welcomes last troops home from Afghanistan, while his government screws veterans again

Today the last Canadian soldiers came home from Afghanistan, marking the end of a dark era. Stephen Harper, ever a fan of getting his picture taken with veterans, showed up to welcome them home. The Prime Minister announced that May 9 as a “day of honour” for Afghan veterans. May 9 but definitely not today…

The Problem in Afghanistan

I think that many Conservative Canadians are gravely misinterpreting the “left” in this country. Most people on “the left” that I know actually support our military and honor our veterans. I think the communications breakdown lies in the left’s approach. I think most members of the Liberal Party, the NDP and the Greens would be…

Breaking Links: Saturday, October 27

Just a reminder, tonight is TorontoIndie.com’s 2nd Anniversary Party – if you’re looking for something to do in T.O. tonight, this would be a good bet. The David Suzuki Foundation’s Weekly Podcast has been added to the CanCasts Stephen Harpers fantasies (and public statements) aside, General Rick Hilier said that Afghans are 10 years or…