The European Space Agency’s plan for a lunar base, built by robots & 3D printers [video]

The video below shows an elaborate plan by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the architectural firm Foster + Partners to design a permanent lunar research base, capable of housing scientists. The most exciting part isn’t really the idea of a lunar base. There are all kinds of plans out there for everything from underwater mega…

Motorcycle accident victim gets 3D printed face

I wrote at one point that 3D printing would be the most disruptive technology yet (at least until it’s beaten out by artificial intelligence). Since then, I’ve had several skeptics tell me that 3D printing will always be of limited value, because it can only produce very simple things. Fortunately, those developing the technology seem…

Watch NASA’s 3D Pizza Printer in Action

I’ve said in the past that 3D printing will be the most disruptive technology to date. I believe that it will eventually result in the ‘Napsterification’ of manufacturing. Eventually you will be able to download specs and print just about anything you want, to the peril of manufacturing, shipping and retail. The primary argument against…

New Study Says Half of US Jobs Will Be Replaced By Machines in 20 Years

According to a recent study from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology nearly half of all US jobs could be replaced by computers over the next two decades. Although the report specifically mentions US jobs, it is fairly safe to assume that this means a significant impact on jobs worldwide. I’ve…

The Future Is Coming Faster and Faster

I’ve talked about this before but changes in science, medicine and technology are coming which will make the changes brought by personal computers and the internet seem insignificant by comparison. While some of the new tech is potentially scary on its own, what is truly frightening is that no government body or political party is…

Can We Make Biodegradable Plastic from Grass?

Most plastics are currently made from fossil fuels. This presents a number of problems. First, and most obviously, it contributes to greenhouse gasses and global warming. It is also not biodegradable, it congests landfills and is toxic when it is incinerated. Some of it can be recycled but that requires additional energy. There are methods…

SciShow : 3D Printing and the Future of Stuff

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I geek out over the potential of 3D printing, which I believe will be the most disruptive technology of the 21st century. Just to reemphasize the point, here’s Scishow with their intro to 3D printing. Plus, as an added bonus and to further fuel your imagination, here’s…