The Canadian Film Festival, which exists to exhibit the best in Canadian Film and only Canadian film is, for the time being, shut down due to the economic downturn according to the National Post:

“Bern Euler, founder and festival director, said he just couldn’t find enough sponsorship dollars to go ahead. “I have movies, I have Cineplex, I have the theatres, I have smaller sponsors,” he said. “Everything is ready to go; we just need a patron.”

Submissions had already been arriving, too. “We had so many amazing shorts and features already lined up,” Euler said. “Unfortunately, all those people don’t get their movies up on the big screen. None of those filmmakers will get a chance to market their films.”

It would be great if we had a government that was the least bit concerned with arts and culture. Of course it would also help if Canadians watched Canadian film – it’s not true that Canadians don’t like Canadian film. Most of the time Canadians don’t know enough about Canadian Film to have an opinion.

If you’d like to have an opinion consider joining the First Weekend Club (it’s free) and Boost Canadian Film and Television (also free).