Today’s Conservative Tantrum

The Conservative Party threw a tremendous tantrum today when they finally figured out that 37% is not more than 62%. Harper did what comes naturally to him, he started lying. His basic theme is that the Liberal/NDP coalition includes the Bloc and is therefor anti-Canadian. The Bloc is not, of course, a formal part of…

R.I.P. Ted

I haven’t loved everything that Rogers Communications has done. But Ted Rogers was a shrewd businessman with great forsight and was willing to take risks to be a part of what he saw as the future. There is also no comparison between Rogers and their chief rival (in most areas) Bell. With Rogers there was…

New Diableros Demos

The Diableros are working on material for a new album and have two new demos up on their Myspace. “In the coming months, we will be preparing to record our next release. To give you a taste of what’s to come, we’ve posted two demos we recorded “motown style” this past weekend. What that means…

Kids in the Hall Returning to CBC

If you’re having trouble figuring out what works now, go with what worked before. According to Canoe the Kids in the Hall are returning to CBC Television with an 8 episode mini-series tentatively entitled “Death Comes to Town”. “”We’re going to start writing that very soon,” Foley said recently from the Gemini Awards, where he…

The New Canadian Street Team

For those of you who don’t know I’m something of a supporter of Canadian Arts and Culture. Along with I run Facebook group for CBC Radio 3 TV (R3TV), the CBC Radio 3 Sessions (also a page for that one), a group for the new CBC Radio 2, a group for upcoming Events in…