RVT: Slushpile

From CBC’s Zed, the first known example of blogging on television. Though Zed met an untimely demize when it was decided last year that Online communities built around user generated content had no future you can still find Slushpile here and in the CanBlogs.

NOW Blasts Polaris Nominations

I know, I know, I’ll write about something else someday, but I have to share NOW’s take on the Polaris nominations.http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2007-07-19/music_feature4.phpSome very valid points are brought up, especially about the lack of diversity. They even offer anti-Polaris nominations such as Alexisonfire, K-os and You Say Party! We Say Die!However, they forgot Laura Peek and the…

But, Anyway

So, this was the week that I was supposed to tell you about the interview on the Radio 3 podcast (the primary podcast, not r3tv) and, though the interview is done, it’s not on there this week. Why? No idea. But, have fun, enjoy ep. 14, tell your friends about the campaign and keep your…

Mutant Babies Need Love Too!!!

So it was awhile ago now that I read an interview with a rather brilliant musician in which they adamantly described their last album as “shitty”! For some reason I felt quite ridiculously saddened by this and all those songs off the album that previously made me feel good & strong & inspired now kinda…

Song a day from the Doers

The new album Gaiety from the Doers comes out July 31st. Until then, the band will be posting a new song a day to their Myspace so that by the time the album comes out you will have heard the whole thing. They actually started this on Monday, so go before you miss something.