Last summer the CBC decided to pull the plug the plug on Fuse much to the sadness of any music fan in this country with any sense of adventure. Now the host of Fuse, Amanda Putz, is also gone from CBC Radio 3, her morning time slot was taken over this morning by Vish Khanna.

As some of you may know I ran the Facebook Fan club for Fuse, but now that Amanda is behind the scenes at Canada Live I wasn’t sure what to do. So while we wait for Amanda to find her way to a live mic again I’ve created a Fan Page for Ms. Putz herself since the powers that be seem intent on canceling her shows this will be a fan club for fans of whatever she is doing and whatever she may do next an ‘un-cancellable’ thing.

I know that Amanda is not the most attentive of Facebook users – she has actually promised never to read the overflow of messages in her Facebook in box but hopefully we can get her to stop by and say hello and fill us in on what’s going on with her from time to time.

If you want to sign up it’s at