Just passing this along. Please give it a read and pass it on if you know someone who might be interested:

“We are casting a role for ‘Hands Down,’ a play about a couple who enter the world of professional Rock Paper Scissors players and, naturally, learn something about themselves. We’re looking for men, 25-40, to play Felix, a vaguely european “Master” of RPS. This is a broad character; we’re looking for someone with a background in improv, or with good comedy chops to bring him to life.
The show runs the 6th to 16th of September, and will be a box office split. Auditions will be held on Saturday, July 28th from 11-3pm in Carousel Theatre’s small studio, 1411 Cartwright Street on Granville Island. Please send your info (picture and resume) to me at danibryant@hotmail.com for the sides and to book an audition time. If you know someone who might fit the part, forward the notice to them.”