Vancouver Film Race 2008

Vancouver Film Race 2008
Nick Pannu

On June 25, 2008 29 films short films screened at the Ridge theatre for the Vancouver Film Race.

Lights, camera, action. Movie sets, flashing strobe lights and roadblocks have become almost as permanent fixture in Vancouver as the mountains surrounding the city. On Saturday, June 21st 30 local Filmmakers committed themselves to a challenging and arduous task. Filmmakers created an original short film in just 24hrs. The films had to revolve around two themes: greed and action. 29 of the films managed to make the ominous deadline; and were screened at the Vancouver Film Race on June 25th at the ridge theatre.
Over 300 in attendance witnessed some very creative and unique short films. Competition Director , Charlie Wysman commented that “ Vancouver is the 9th city in the film race and Vancouver has had the strongest group of films so far”. Wysam was impressed with some of the set designs and make-up. The film race on a tour of 17 cities in North America is only inclusive to two Canadian cities: Vancouver and Toronto. Starting the event from New York in 2002 Wysman had no real motive, but just to put on a fun event. According to Wysman, “ the first event went well in 2002, so we decided to keep doing it and it’s a great opportunity for first time filmmakers as well as people in the industry who’d like more creative control.” He also stressed that the film race is a great learning experience, which Filmmakers can apply to future projects.
Moreover, according to recent film grad, Diane Donaldson stressed that when working in desperation within a 24hr deadline, a team mindset is very important. Donaldson articulated further, “ overall when you do something like this it is such a bonding thing when you totally push your body to the extreme, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep, and you just go and film and film and edit edit and the end you just kind of collapse together and it’s like oh my God we did it. “
In spite of having only two themes to work with (greed and action), the films were quite diverse and distinct from each other. Issues such as how some random door-knocking charities are a farce was exploited as well as very comedic scripts involving robots and rocks that looked like Elvis. Often engaging the 300 audience members with bouts of laughter. Local filmmaker and judge, Kryshan Randal felt the event was well organized and high quality, creative and entertaining…more than unusual. Randal, who has judged other events, commented that “ the event demonstrates talent of local filmmakers very well…something about being under the gun on the weekend, 24hr is pretty tight so it is pure creativity and pure instinct”.
. One finalist will be selected from Vancouver to compete with other North American cities in the film race. Vancouver’s top ten finalists will have their films screened at the Celluloid Social Club’s monthly screening at the Anza club July 23rd also produced by Paul Armstrong- local producer for the Vancouver film Race 2008.

For further information for the film race 2008 go to this site: and to find out more about the Celluloid Social Club’s monthly screening go to the Facebook group: Celluloid Social Club.