Next weekend is Canadian Music Week. We’re just going to skip over the fact that Canadian Music Week is actually only four days and pretend we didn’t notice. I’ll be talking alot in the lead up about things you need to be doing, places you need to be going or at least stuff you should know about. There are about 2 billion bands playing CMW this year including some that aren’t Canadian (I won’t be talking about those). But if you like music there is some awesome stuff coming up. That is not for today though.

I had to tell you all of that so that I could tell you that if, after CMW you have anything left in the tank The United Steel Workers of Montreal, Spookey Ruben and Ryan Shearing are at the Rancho Relaxo on Tuesday the 17th. That’s a pretty awesome lineup for a tuesday night in a small venue so if you have any cash left and the energy to get off the couch I’d highly recommend it.

The Facebook Event Page is Here.

United Steelworkers of Montreal – Meaner than You