In addition to the Government trying to kill Canadian film and trying to force you to support major record labels (whether you listen to their music or not) – Canada’s monopoly Internet Service Providers have taken it upon themselves to govern what you can do online, what sites you can visit and when.

There are two Net Neutrality related events coming up in Toronto which your are more than welcome to attend (strongly encouraged to attend would be more appropriate).

Both are events (if you haven’t joined the site yet, go there and do that!) This Sunday, June 22 from 5 to 11 p.m. at the Windward Coop 34 Little Norway Crescent Lake-view room (go one block west of Queen’s Quay and Bathurst Street and turn south; it’s just west of the Island Airport terminal). This will be a strategy and support discussion led by Steve Anderson from the Coalition and Campaign for Democratic Media. You can download the flyer for the event at

The Second event is a “An Open Forum for Toronto’s Web/Tech/Media Communities” from 6-9:00 pm on Tuesday, June 24 at Fion MacCools – 181 University Avenue (University/Adelaide). If you want to attend this second event you are encouraged to register at

The taxpayer funded monopolies that are Canada’s Internet Service Providers will not change on their own. If you believe in free speech and an open internet you have to get involved one way or another. If you’re in Toronto please consider attending one of these events and whether you are in Toronto or not please join Save Our Net and find out what you can do.