Time to End Child Poverty in Canada

You may or may not be aware of this but in 1989 Parliament promised to end child poverty by the year 2000. It is now 2009 and the situation hasn’t improved at all. In some areas it is worse than when the promise was made.

The National Poverty Plan Petition has started to try to force the Government to keep it’s promises. As the economy continues to get worse and new layoffs are announced daily the number of children living in poverty will grow and the plight of children already in poverty will get considerably worse.

So far the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice
Campaign 2000
the National Anti-Poverty Association
Ed Broadbent
Elizabeth May
and the Durham Region Labour Council have all endorsed this campaign.

Please do what you can to help.

  • Contact individuals and organizations (large or small) and urge them to get behind this as well.
  • A January 17 rally is planned for Whitby, go to that if you can http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=56027994407
  • Join the Facebook Group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=43515083236
  • Visit povertyplan.ca to sign the petition and find out what else you can do.