The TTC Without All of Those Annoying Pants

If you took the subway yesterday you may have noticed something a bit unusual – namely the absence of pants. I could conceivably have warned you, but that would have spoiled the fun. The original invite that went out sounded something like this:

Ride the TTC without your pants. You can wear socks, shoes, boots, coats, gloves, shirts and hats – just no pants. Dress warmly as you will have no pants. (Please NO THONGS!! it’s just impolite. You might get jumped, groped or thrown in jail). Try not to wear underwear that screams “Pulling a Prank.”

The hard part is to be completely solid about it. Do not break a smile or get all giggly about it. You have to pretend like you don’t know any of the other pantless riders. And when asked about it, don’t acknowledge the wierdness.

You should be acting like it is perfectly normal to have been waiting for and riding the TTC without your pants!


1) Willing to take pants off on The TTC
2) Able to keep a straight face about it

The event was staged by a New York based group called Improv Everwhere with the help of New MInd Space . Similar events where held in New York, Boston, Washington DC, Portland Oregon, San Francisco, Chicago, Baltimore, Salt Lake City and Adelaide, Australia.

Accounts of the participants and the reactions were published today in the Toronto Star and the Toronto Sun.

Photo (above) from Lucas Oleniuk/Toronto Star

Update: For reports from participants and regional info on the No Pants subway ride see